
Friday, December 27, 2013

Pink Skull Embroidery

Noah from Skull-A-Day is having a 'Laughing Skull Stencil' contest for a signed copy of his SKULLS book, which is now out of print. I saw the post yesterday. I've been mostly off the computer prior to Christmas so I had to do some quick thinking of what I wanted to do. I wanted something different than cutting the stencil and spraying or dabbing some paint into it. So, finally I made a decision, pulled some fabric and some floss out and started stitching away tonight. The deadline is at midnight. I didn't know if I'd make it in time, but I did. The drawing of the winner is random, using the stencil was just the way to get into the contest. 5 hours of stitching and this is the result. It measures 3-3/4" high.

I found Noah's book a few years ago at the bookstore, which lead me to his blog, and I've been a follower ever since. It would be cool to win his signed copy, sort of a full circle kinda thing.

Now I'm going to go enjoy some tea and sweet potato pie.


A Christmas Miracle, Otis Goes To His New Home

Otis has found his forever home, and what a lucky boy he is.

Yesterday at 1:30 I received a phone call, "Hi, I'm interested in Otis." At first, I felt elated, then I worried it wouldn't be the right fit, but as I talk with Derek, it feels right. I could hear his fiance in the background, "oooohhhh, I want Otis." They were serious -- they asked if they could come down from Massachusetts in a few hours. Just before hanging up, knowing they'd be coming to meet Otis, I could hear Kellie in the background squeal with delight.

How awesome is that??

They showed up at 6pm. Otis greeted them heartily, he was so happy to see them. They sat down, he was right up on their laps. He would come over to me now and again if I moved or went into the other room, he's very bonded with me, but I knew it was right. He knew it was right. This couple is so sweet. Derek is this big hulking guy with the sweetest disposition, a very soft heart. He fell in love immediately and knew he wanted to take Otis home. Kelly was quieter, but so sure, too, that he was the one.

I thought he might end up with me forever, but in my heart, I knew I just had to be patient. I was just worried because the longer he was with me, the more attached he would become and might have had difficulty transitioning to a new life. He was surrendered to rescue when he was one and half years old, then adopted, then surrendered to us again at 3 1/2 years old, then he was with me for 10 months...He's bounced around. You know what, though? It didn't effect his spirit. He is such an awesome boy. I will miss his happy growly sounds, when his face is in my hands or in a blanket or towel. I will miss him jumping up on the bed in the morning after R. has gotten up and I continue to lay there. I will miss him cuddling up to me when hanging out on the sofa or in R.'s 'man chair.' I will especially miss how he looked at me with such love and trust. We had our own mental connection.

But, I am sooooo happy for him.

Per the usual when an adopter goes home with a dog, I told Derek and Kellie that I would be in touch in about a week to see how things are going.

Derek called me this morning. He wanted me to know how perfect it was, that Otis fit right in, slept with them last night and that he just loves him. He knew I had him for a long time and that the attachment was there, he wanted me to know that all was good for each one of them. How sweet and considerate was that? The couple is going to be married in October, Derek asked if I would dog sit since Otis knows me and they don't really have anyone else to take him and they don't want to put him in a kennel. So, this is not the end of my relationship with Otis.

Now Little Bug is alone, and that concerns me a little. Hanzie and Otis gave her a sense of safety -- now she will have to learn to rely on her own strengths and self-soothing ways. I bet she'll end up relishing the single dog life.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and Finding Santa(s) ...

I don't know where these past 3 weeks went. I was finishing up jobs, trying to get some organizing done around here, started painting my bathroom and doing a little bit of shopping. Because I do 98% of my shopping at secondhand stores, I get to pick up some vintage Santa's along the way to add to my Mr. Santa Salt Shaker.

I have a bunch of mini and regular sized hot chocolate Santa head mugs that I didn't pull down from storage, I was off track with Christmas this year and almost didn't even get any kind of tree up. But I did find a stashed bag of mini mugs that were an 'end of the clean up from last year' that never made it into the main boxes. Lucky for me, I found a few other Santa's at the thrift store to add to my collection, so I gathered them under the tree.

And the tree? I did climb up to the top shelf of the garage and get the box it's stored in. I pulled out the top half, took a bunch of the recently found vintage ornaments that were supposed to be for wreath craft day, and pulled out a tree topper that was earmarked for ebay. Voila! My small tree looking festive with Santa's showing off underneath.

I hope that you all are enjoying the holiday season and

have a very Merry Christmas!