
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lady Gaga and Beer

I, of course, had to get an over priced T-shirt that went out of shape after the first wash! LOL

Well, we went back to Wisconsin because R's sister said to us the first time we were there, "hey! you want to serve beer for an hour and then see Lady Gaga for free?" I was right on it! (Of course, I had a couple glasses of wine in me and the fun of the wedding and family around, I was on a happy high.) "Absolutely, I am there!!" "wait, let me find out how much this will cost to get back here."

So, I went home and within 3 days found affordable round trip tickets and I booked the flights. R. said he'd go with me, he likes Lady Gaga, too, but more than that, he likes adventures.

After I make all the plans and spend my money I think to ask about the details. duhhhhhhh. I email Deb and ask her what the deal is. The reality of it was that we served beer throughout the concert!!!!! and we get to see Lady Gaga from the side entryways. WHAT!!!??? This was not what I signed up for! I thought I'd be there in the audience, dancing and singing with the rest of the concert goers. But, noooooo, that is not what we were doing.

I was bummed. Really mad that I didn't find out the details first and then make a decision. But, in the end, I'm glad I didn't know the details. We had a lot of fun. I got to see most of her show because I wasn't needed in the beer booth, and it was a volunteer situation for the Lutherans to raise money. And look at the beautiful uniforms we got to wear....

Purty, huh???

I got to experience the crowd waiting in lines for over an hour. Watching, from above, their antics, seeing their costumes or outfits (or lack there of) The costumes of some of the concert goers seemed to be right out of Gaga's closet.

Know what else? she sounds in concert like she sounds on the radio. She's interactive with her audience and she put on a good show. Although there were some very young girls there, I may caution someone about taking their young teenager to her shows, but sometimes the sexual stuff goes right over their heads because they are in awe of being there and just adore her music.

She is very gay supportive and Virgin records donates $20,000 to an organization that supports gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender and transexual young people that have been kicked out of their homes for being, basically, who they are. Very sad that happens. Maybe one day, that will no longer exist but in the meantime there are support groups available.

I was able to get a few pictures, wish I had taken the camera out earlier but I wasn't sure it was allowed, plus, I get cautious and shy in new situations.

Speaking of cameras, because mine has been on the blink, R. insisted we get a new one if we were going to the concert. Our first few hours in Wisconsin had me making a snap decision (I'm an eternal researcher so that is hard for me) after going to 3 different stores checking styles and prices. It actually didn't take long to decide on the Canon SX120is. I wanted to keep it below $200, I like to feel a camera in my hand, I liked the flip up flash only if you want it and the 10x zoom. So, within a couple hours, we had a new camera. There are a couple things I don't care for about it but overall I'm very happy with it. 

Because of where I was able to stand, I could get really good shots of the screen, not quite the same as getting her on stage but I was too far away, although, I did snap a couple of her on stage, too. It was hard to get pictures that weren't blurry, if my hand wasn't moving then she was.

so here she is in all her glory! 

Yes, here, she looks like Madonna...

ps: the guitar is in front of her although it looks like she's playing it with her ass.

I love this costume...

Funny thing is, a week after I came home, she was here in Hartford, CT making up for the concert cancelled in January. I probably could have scalped tickets for $100 as there were a lot of people selling them on Craigslist...but taking the chance for a new experience was a lot of fun. 


  1. What a GREAT story. Hey: Way more interesting that just paying for tickets and sitting in the audience: Any schmuck can do that! Hey, your photo of Lady G standing on the piano bench playing: I bet you could make $$ on that. Can I show it on my blog?

  2. CRAP! I thought I left a comment but this stupid computer froze who knows, maybe you will get 2 comments from me on this post.
    Basically I said,- with your NEW camera, you are sure catching up with posts! LOL!
    and that I too, love Lady Gaga even though my niece rolls her eyes at me.
    And I think you are much more adventurous than me, I'm a hermit, I hate being around lots of people anymore....but sounds like you had fun!

  3. It was a lot of fun, and two days before we told Deb that we might not be able to go out there due to a job that came up. Glad we went for it...and you're right Pam, it was more of an experience doing it this way.


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